Friday, April 15, 2016

The Future

As this blog comes to a close, we must realize that the problems discussed in these Civic issue blogs are not going to magically solve themselves over night. Yet if these problems still exist in the distant future at the same capacity they do today, our society will have failed at improving.

This holds especially true for affirmative action. The most often provided reasons for affirmative action are to make up for the wrongs of the past and to promote diversity in schools. If one hundred years from now, society still has to make up for the enslavement of a people, I don’t know when it will ever stop being a reason. As far as achieving diversity, there are numerous ways at achieving this without having to resort to affirmative action.

In the 2003 Grutter v. Bollinger case, the Supreme Court concluded their opinion by stating, “We expect that 25 years from now, the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary to further the interest [of diversity] approved today.”

Will affirmative action be a thing of the past when we reach that prophesized limit in 2028? No one really knows for sure. However, certain schools have already banned the use of race in admission processes and other schools are looking into alternatives.

The previous post discussed some of the potential solutions to the issue. With that post, I took a more hypothetical approach. I focused on linking certain factors that would result in lower academic performance and therefore should be used for preferential treatment in the admissions process.

This post, however, will be looking at what ways to promote diversity schools are currently using.

There is, without a doubt, many schools that utilize affirmative action and race based admission processes. These schools on average show a higher rate of diversity, specifically African Americans and Latinos, which is to be expected, as their policies promote it. Most of these schools strongly protest the idea that affirmative action should be removed or banned.  

On the other hand, some schools have already banned affirmative action and race based admission processes. While some schools saw an immediate decrease in diversity, the diversity eventually rebounded due to the implementation of new programs.

Most opponents of removing affirmative action forget to consider what the school is thinking. Schools have admitted that diverse student populations provide a better learning environment. When a school bans affirmative action, it won’t stop trying to maintain its diversity.

By 2014, Michigan, California, Texas, Florida, Washington, Nebraska, Arizona, New Hampshire, and Oklahoma have all banned affirmative action. The typical phrasing of the ban states that preferential treatment or discrimination in public employment and education is prohibited.

Out of these states, California, Florida, and Texas passed legislation almost immediately that served to increase diversity. These schools used class rank as a method to properly represent the population. The top percentages (4 up to 9 in California, 20 in Florida, 10 in Texas) of a graduating class are given guaranteed admission to the State education system. This method balances out discontinuities created by varying school districts. It works on the principle that a student ranked 100 in a school with a standardized test score of 1900 is not particularly better than a student ranked 1 with a score of 1850. This provides boosts to students who put forth effort in high school, yet reside in an area with a struggling school district.

Outside of preferential treatment in general, certain schools have put forth more effort into providing financial aid and working with 2 and 2 programs. Additionally, some schools are looking at getting rid of legacy preferences which have predominantly benefited the white upper class. According to an article in The Atlantic, the achievement gap between high-income and low-income students is significantly higher than the black and white student gap.

I would like to conclude this blog with my final opinion on affirmative action. I can’t truthfully tell you if I’ve been affected by affirmative action in a positive or negative way. I am technically of a minority group (Asian American), but that group is infrequently talked about in discussions about affirmative action. In my honest opinion, affirmative action may work now and in the near future as a way to help those in need, but I believe that eventually the barriers to higher education should be torn down for students of all backgrounds, rendering affirmative action obsolete.


  1. I think the state-preference system as opposed to racial preferences is an improvement. It seems logical that a certain state's public university should be most responsible for the education of students within its own state. By developing a solid top x% rule, the university can guarantee that even students from rougher districts can gain admission as you said, thereby rewarding hard work and not punishing origin. It seems like a viable alternative, but it does leave applicants from out of state in a tough situation.

  2. I've enjoyed following your blog over the last five posts! I think this post wrapped up your topic nicely, and I liked how you added the last paragraph that described your perspective. I definitely agree with your perspective that affirmative action will one day become obsolete, and that "barriers to higher education should be torn down for students of all backgrounds."

  3. I'm glad schools are looking to get rid of legacy preference, but I doubt many will get on board with that. Legacies are a crucial part of a school's funding, so there's quite a strong incentive to make sure those individuals are white and wealthy.

  4. I'm glad that schools are looking for alternative methods of recruiting and retaining minority students. As you have talked about in previous posts, affirmative action often does not create socioeconomic diversity, which I think is equally as important as ethnic diversity. Hopefully these new methods will create a balance.

  5. Thank you Savern for continuously informing us as a whole about affirmative action. I've heard so many hate on it without knowing much about it, and I believe your blog was able to effectively inform us.

  6. I have read so many post about affirmative action but none are quite like yours! You have a very particular manner of analysis that I both understand and enjoy. This has been a long semester but your blog/opinions made it a breeze.

  7. This blog has been incredibly informative over the past months. The debate is sure to continue for years ahead, but this information will really help readers to make intelligent decisions.
